Sorry friend, you missed the boat...
Stop Overthinking It is closed for enrollment!

But you can still check out what's in the program here 👇

If you're interested in joining when enrollment opens again, you can sign-up here

I have read and agree to the terms & conditions.

A question for you...

How much would your life change if you no longer struggled with overthinking, anxiety, 
fear and worry?  

Just imagine it for a second... 

Am I right if I said it would change a lot?  

You might even find it hard to imagine.
Especially if you’ve been an overthinker for most of your life.  

You might be thinking something like...

“I’m just naturally an anxious person, I can’t change that”

“It’s in my blood. I was passed on the family worry gene”

“I can’t change the mind that I have, I just need to accept it and learn how to manage it."

Well it’s time I tell you something...

That’s not the truth.  

This is not the way you are and you are not stuck!

No one is stuck with the mind that they have.
Everyone has the ability to completely transform the way they think, feel and show up in the world.  

Everyone is able to be the boss of their brain and have control of their thoughts and emotions.

Yes, that includes you.  

Hey friend, I get it. 

Every day can feel like a constant battle of anxious thoughts and overwhelming emotions.  

Give me a hands up if you struggle with any of these:  

A mind full with the constant chatter of
 anxious thoughts

Worry, worry, worry - should I say it again?

Getting stuck in rumination, wishing you’d
done things differently

Replaying situations 100 times in your head

Feeling fearful about the future and what
 could go wrong
Always creating worst-case scenarios

 Emotions overwhelming you like waves

Fixating on one negative thing that you
can’t stop thinking about

Uncertainty and ambiguity sending you into a panic

Never truly relaxing and always feeling on edge – something is bound to go wrong right?

Letting judgement and critical self-talk hold you back

Second-guessing yourself and living in indecision

Not being present in the moment or with the
 people you love

Struggling to sleep because your mind won’t switch off

Ugh, overthinking can suuuuuuccck.

Big time.

And it’s holding you back from the life you deserve.

But it doesn’t have to anymore.

You have the power to train your mind, change your patterns of thinking and be the boss of your brain.  

Can you imagine what this would mean for your life?

   If you were no longer an anxious person, an overthinker or a worrier?

This future doesn’t need to be in your imagination.  

You can start creating it right now.  

This is the new you...

You’re mentally free. 
No longer weighed down by the constant anxious thoughts, you finally have space in your mind.

  You have control over your thoughts and emotions.
You easily let go of thoughts and don't get stuck in negative spirals.

Life throws you challenges or stress and you handle them like a boss. 
You actually have the power to choose how you respond to them.

  You’re not bothered by what others think about you. You feel secure in your relationships and free to be yourself. No more people pleasing, fear of rejection or worrying whether you're good enough.

Your mind naturally has positive thoughts and anything negative just doesn’t stick anymore.  

   You accept the past and have stopped wasting your energy ruminating.
You ain’t got time for that anymore! You’ve got a life to live!

 You're kind and compassionate to yourself. That inner critic has finally shut their mouth!

You have confidence in your decisions and have stopped all that dithering and second-guessing.

 You’re full of energy! 
With no fear or anxiety weighing you down you’re actually excited for each day. You're confident and in control.

   You see the world as a place full of opportunities.
Thinking of the future excites you and you feel motivated to go after your biggest goals.

   You live in the present more and enjoy each moment with the people you love.

Oh and ps. You're a meditation and mindfulness badass now!  

If you’re saying
“Tee, I am so in! This is exactly what I need”
then I’m super excited to introduce you to...

Stop Overthinking It 

Stop Overthinking It is a mind and life changing programme where I've channelled all my knowledge and experience into 12-weeks of teaching, coaching and community. ⁠ 

 "I was lucky enough to take the Stop Overthinking It course last year and wow, what a transformation it's been for me. 

If you are thinking about this or on the fence, just go for it, you cannot hope for a more caring and frankly, inspirational coach than Tahirih Mclaren-Brown. 

I actually can't believe I've never met this woman in the flesh, as she has really had a huge impact on my life. Hoping I can give her the biggest hug one day!" 

Jessie - Stop Overthinking It 2020 

 "I’d always been an ‘anxious person’ ever since I was child and that had become my identity.
Every decision would take hours of overthinking, I would always be ever so slightly on edge and it was exhausting - I never had the energy to do anything for me.

After working with Tee for 3 months, I no longer believe that I am an anxious person! I still get anxious, of course, but it’s no longer a daily struggle which leaves me exhausted and frustrated.

As a result I now feel so excited for the future rather than scared of all the bad things that might happen and what could go wrong. For the first time ever, I’ve sat down and enjoyed setting myself goals for the year without overthinking every detail and worrying if I can achieve them." 

Mia - Stop Overthinking It 2020

Here's the full deats

A 12-week Online Program (lifetime access)

We start together on Monday 8 Feb.
Eight video modules with exercises and workshops, a meditation library and special bonuses. Check out the breakdown of all the modules below! 

Fortnightly Workshops and Group Coaching

This is where we go deeper into the Stop Overthinking It lessons and you get live coaching with Tee to help you apply it to your life, overcome specific struggles and accelerate your learning and growth

Fortnightly Email Check-Ins

Tee emails you fortnightly to check in and make
sure you’re on track. This is your opportunity to put
 your hand up if you need help and share all
those wins you’ll be having!
This is perfect if the group coaching is a little scary at first.  

A Private Facebook Group

Connection and feeling supported is so important. This is where you hang out with your Stop Overthinking It fam to get support, share wins and ask questions. Tee will be coaching in there daily and sharing helpful tips and resources to uplevel your Stop Overthinking It experience

Let's take a look inside ...

Shifting the Beliefs Keeping you Stuck

 - Identifying your limiting beliefs and identities
 - Shifting the beliefs not serving you
 - Choosing new empowering beliefs and living from them

Understanding your Mind & Emotions

 - Separating yourself from your thoughts
- Learning the powerful Thoughts, Emotions, Actions Model
- Understanding your mind's natural defaults

Building Mental & Emotional Strength

- Creating the gap between the stress and your response
- The power of opening to all your emotions
- Practicing acceptance
- Learning the Four Step Pause

Be Present & Stop Living in your Head

- Learning how to be present and mindful
- Letting go of the past and stopping worry about the future
- Dealing with, and overcoming, fear

Being Confident & Secure in Relationships

- Letting go of responsibility for others' emotions and reactions
- Ditching your fear of judgement
- Learning to be fully present with the people you care about

Building Positivity & Hardwiring Happiness

- How to grow a naturally positive mind and build happy thinking as your default
- Discovering your strengths and celebrating who you are
- Learning reframing and how to deal with failure

Building Trust and Connection with Yourself

- Learning to trust yourself and your intuition, instead of
letting your anxious thinking rule
- Creating stillness for self-connection, creativity and confidence
- Living a fun "Handcuffs Off" life! 

Creating your Dream Life

- Dreaming up your big future vision and making it happen
- Spotting and seizing opportunities and believing in abundance
- Creating contentment by living mindfully 

So what makes Stop Overthinking It so special? 

I’ve taken the most important practices I know from mindfulness, neuroscience and positive psychology and
hand-delivered them to you in a way that actually makes sense to your life!  

I’ve cut the fluff from mindfulness, made meditation an easy habit and taught neuroscience straight from
the mouth of a girl who quit science as soon as she could at high school.  

This is that perfect mix of love, compassion and encouragement with a straight-talking, no bullshit,
kick up the ass you need.  

This isn’t just a one and done.

Everything you learn in Stop Overthinking It is created to be integrated into your life.
We're making permanent changes to your mindset, identity, thought patterns and actions.  

I don’t believe in managing overthinking and anxiety as it’s happening. 
I believe in reprogramming your mind so that you have a new, naturally positive, calm and confident default.  

 "I have suffered with severe anxiety all my life & tried various techniques offered by the NHS but alas to no success. I then tried a number of different anxiety behaviour treatments again without success. I found Tahirih and thought I would give Stop Overthinking It a go.

I found her very easy going and so willing to give individuals time and guidance. I have learnt how to meditate amongst other techniques including breathing techniques.
I am not completely free of anxiety but I have been shown a number of different tools to 

use to help me on the road to complete recovery.

I would advise people like myself to give it a try. I’m sure you will not regret it" 

Malcolm - Stop Overthinking It 2020 

I'm super excited to share these bonuses with you!

When you join Stop Overthinking It, you also get these extra bonuses.
They're not just treats, they're essential for your transformation! 

Now, I can already hear you...  

“I’ve tried meditation and I’m terrible at it. My mind is too busy, my life is too busy 
and it just never sticks!”  

I get it. Meditation is no bubble bath.
 But it’s essential to get the transformation you want in Stop Overthinking It.
So I’ve made it easy for you.  

The Meditation Library has over 70 guided meditations including a two-week habit building beginners course and 50-days of guided meditations 
specifically for overthinkers.  

Get full access to the recording of For Your Mind, a workshop Tee hosted in November 2020. Featuring:

 - Mindset and Anxiety Coach Laura Bushnell 

 - Nutritionist and Naturopath Cathy Williams 

- Women’s Health Coach and Yoga Instructor Dr Cassandra Sharp

 - And Tee of course!

Bonus Module: 
Love, Kindness and Compassion

Love, kindness and compassion towards yourself and others are not only essential ingredients for mindfulness, they also massively boost your mental and physical health and make your whole self-development journey in Stop Overthinking It feel good.  

Bonus Module:
Ditching Perfectionism

So many overthinkers also struggle
with perfectionism.
We dive deep into perfectionism and I show you how you can let go of it in all aspects of your life.  

Bonus Module:
The Power of Visualisation

Visualisation is one of the most powerful tools for creating change, letting go of
fear and moving you towards
the future you want.  
Learn why visualisation is so powerful
and practice with guided
visualisations and worksheets.  

Show Up | Do the Work | Live It

...and know that I've got your back

You’re backed by a 100% money-back guarantee for
90-days from signing-up.

  But it comes with a very important condition.

You need to show me that you’ve showed up, committed, dedicated yourself and done the work.

Stop Overthinking It isn’t a spoon-feeding program. 

You need to watch the videos, learn the practices and apply them in your life. You need to show up to the workshops and coaching calls and
 keep in touch with our fortnightly check-ins.

If you’re doing all of this and it’s not sticking, then just get in touch with me. We’ll chat about what’s not working and
I’ll refund your investment, no hassle.  

 "I have grown so much through Stop Overthinking It! Tee's program has helped me to challenge my limiting beliefs, trust my intuition and practice acceptance in a healthy way. It is a real investment in yourself, and it pays off big

Kerry - Stop Overthinking It 2020

I’ll be honest, I only do one thing...

and that's Stop Overthinking It.
Because I know it’s the most powerful way that I can help to free people from overthinking, anxiety, worry and fear.

I have eight years of knowledge, experiences and practices in mindfulness, positive psychology, neuroscience
and coaching (+ my own life!) which I’ve bundled up to show people like you how they
can build a calm, happy and confident mind that they love!

I’ll tell you what really fires me up...
That people think that they’re stuck with the mind that they have. This is just not true!
And I couldn’t sit aside and let them keep believing it.

Your mind is your greatest asset. And when you transform your mind, your whole life transforms.

I’m here to make that your future too x

You have questions, I have answers.

You’ll definitely need to commit to around 2 hours a week with the modules + your daily 10min meditation practice. Then every fortnight, we’ll have our workshop and coaching which will be 1.5hrs. Everyone will go through the program at their own pace and you might like to stay on a module that’s impactful for you for longer.

Don’t forget, you have Stop Overthinking It for life! So you can take a year to do it if you want. You’ll still have access to me in the Facebook group once our 12-weeks are over. There is no falling behind and you’ll do it in the time that’s perfect for you. 

100%! You just haven’t found the right practices for you. That’s why I created the meditation library to help you start and stick to a meditation habit. I’ve had clients who have never meditated before and others who have failed at sticking to it become total pros!

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve struggled with anxiety or overthinking for, this program will stop it being your identity and change the anxious thinking ruts in your brain. What matters is that you’re committed to change and open to everything I teach. Last year, we had a 72-year-old who has been anxious since he was a child and he made massive improvements to his mind and life.

Ah no. Sorry but you can never be “cured” or “rid of” anxiety, worry or your thinking mind. These are survival tools that we all need and naturally have as humans. But right now, these are totally out of your control and have taken hold of your mind and body. Stop Overthinking It gives you back your captain's hat and makes you the boss of your brain. You’ll have way less anxiety, overthinking and worry, have a naturally calm and positive mind and when you do feel anxious, you’ll be able to chill out and move on quickly.

I know how you feel. I’ve been here before – investing in programs that I’ve needed to put on my credit card. What helps me is to think about the value of the result I’ll get from the program.

How much would your life change if you freed yourself from overthinking and anxiety? What would your relationships be like? What would you have the confidence to do? How would you feel about yourself? What would it be like to be free from judgement? What would it be like to be free from fear? What dreams would you be able to go after? What career moves could you make? How much time would you get back? How would it feel to be positive and content with your life?

Put a value on that and you’ll know if it’s worth it for you.  

I totally believe in therapy and I know that Stop Overthinking It compliments it. Some of my past clients have done therapy before but after a while, felt like they were just talking about negative things from the past and not moving forward. Stop Overthinking It is about where you are now and how you want to be in your future. It’s positive, encouraging and all about moving forward.  

I know it can be totally scary and something you will definitely overthink about! That’s why they’re a combination of a workshop and a coaching call. The first half is a workshop with me speaking that you can sit back and learn from. No need to speak or share if you don’t want to. Then you can stay for the coaching calls and just listen. Other people will have questions that will be so valuable for you too.
I promise there’ll be no call outs or forcing you to talk! 

Still not sure if Stop Overthinking It is the right for you?

This program is the perfect fit for you if:

✨ You struggle with overthinking, anxiety, stress, worry or fear and you know it’s holding you back in your life. You are totally done with it and want your control back!

✨ You’re ready and committed to making a change. You believe that a new future is possible for you and you’re willing to let go of the old beliefs and identities that are keeping you stuck.

✨ You’re the type of person who shows up and does the work. You know you can make the time for the modules, coaching and check-ins.

✨You’re ready to take responsibility for your life. You know that you’re the only one who can change things for yourself and you know it’s the internal work that matters.

✨ You’re open to meditation and mindfulness and want to start (or finally stick to) a real practice. If you’re not keen on this, then Stop Overthinking It definitely isn’t right for you.

 "I feel more secure in myself. Due to lockdown I have spent alot of time on my own but I have worked hard to not go off into a downward spiral of negative thinking.

I found the coaching sessions very helpful because Tee is very easy to talk to and seems to understand completely what you are saying. If I said some of the things that rattle round my mind my friends would brush it off as being nothing to worry about.
Tee listened and understood and that was such a relief !

Sarah  - Stop Overthinking It 2020